I am super excited to have these available for purchase, finally!
After many delays due to real-life, limited time online, and then my laptop refusing to boot and forcing me to do a reinstall of Windows, well, to say I’m relieved to have these online is an understatement.
The original idea of this new “Throwback” series was to recreate or revamp some of my old premades from five or so years ago. Many of them were more simple in design, and what I would deem “fansite-oriented,” or another way to describe them, would be that they had a more “fansite style” as opposed to the clean minimalist and professional style my newer premades have.
Looking back at those older designs made me nostalgic and inspired. I kept thinking, “It’s too bad they’re so old and that the coding is outdated,” because they were quite popular back when I first sold them. So, even while I asked on Twitter whether there would be interest in such themes, I was already knee deep in bringing my first “throwback” theme to life. I was that motivated and excited to get started, more so to see if I could do what I was imagining in my head. And I’m so glad I did it.
Although one lesson I have learned during this long session of coding these premades is that I am never coding two different premades at the same time again, because while I didn’t set out to code them simultaneously and did in fact have the first premade finished when I began the second, I did inadvertently continue coding them simultaneously. This was because as I was working on the second premade, I kept altering the Customizer coding and features, which led to me changing almost the entire Customizer coding and features I had already set up in the first premade.
So, with that said, I have learned my lesson. While I am proud I accomplished so much in just a month, I’m also aware that working on two premades at the same time is far too overwhelming (and confusing!)
Thank you to everyone for being patient with me while I was working on these, but especially because I’ve not created anything new in nearly three years. I appreciate you guys and your continuing support, even when I’m not creating. ?
Be sure to check out the new premades in my Throwback Series!