So, if you haven’t noticed, the site now has a brand new look. Yes, I did just redesign the site back in November of last year, and though I did love the darker theme and colors, I felt it didn’t quite make the best impression in regards to being the first taste of my skills as a designer. Which ultimately led to feeling inspired to redesign my site logo, which naturally led to an entire new color scheme. And no, the color scheme wasn’t intentionally inspired by the fact that spring is just around the corner. The color scheme came together organically, and I loved the soft pastel blend of the two colors, so I just had to use it.
This last redesign also allowed me to add more content to the homepage, offering more than just a spotlight on my premades. I felt this was important for visitors to be able to see firsthand if I’m accepting custom orders, if there are any new blog posts, and what I’m working on. Which naturally led to me giving a much-needed update to all of my pages, including the Packages page with new prices and packages, the FAQ page, and finally my Portfolio page. More importantly, I also updated the Rules page with new terms regarding the use of my premades, payment information, payment terms of service, and a detailed list of the custom order process.
I hope you guys like the new look and find the site easier to navigate now. I also hope to continue to be able to bring you guys more updates and new products. As always, thank you so much for your support!